第三章 动词的扩充 |
第十三课 V扩充子{完成时}:PERF("have-en")
13-1 [V扩充子{完成时}:PERF]
V动词扩充子{完成时}(PERF) , "have-en",根据上下文语境,可以附加给动词三种不同的意思。 (i) {Perfect 完成} (ii) {Experience 经历} (iii) {Continuance 持续}例如. (1) The computer has written a novel now. (Perfect完成) 计算机现在写完一部小说了。 (2) The computer has written a novel several times. (Experience经历) 计算机写完小说很多次了。 (3) The computer has written a novel for 240 hours. (Continuance持续) 计算机已经写小说240小时了。这个扩充子的特殊意思取决于和它在一起的副词是何种类;如果没有副词,通常很难判断是这三种意思的哪一种。 13-2 [树形图] 句子(1)的形成如(4)所示。 (4) The computer + PRS + have-en + write a novel + now ↓ ↓ ↓ (5) The computer has written a novel now. (=1)注意:扩充子"have-en"赋予动词"write a novel"{Perfect完成}的意思。新动词的树形图为: (6) (has written a novel) V / \ EPD[AGR] V (PRS) / \ EPD[PERF] V (have-en) (write a novel)三种用法的例子: (i) <{Perfect} Usage 完成用法> (7) My extension number has changed. 我的电话内线号码变了。 (8) The musical has been a great sensation nationwide. 那部歌舞剧在全国范围已经引起轰动。 (9) What has become of your old car? 你的旧车怎么了? (ii) <{Experience} Usage 经历用法> (10) I have seen a rattlesnake before. 我以前见过响尾蛇。 (11) I have visited Paris three times. 我去巴黎游览三次了。 (12) Have you ever been abroad? 你曾经出过国吗? (iii) <{Continuance} Usage 持续用法> (13) How have you been? 你怎么样? (14) We have known him since childhood. 我们从小时候就认识他。 (15) Mr.Miller has taught us math for two years. 米勒先生教我们数学两年了。13-3 [Ven形和完成/被动分词] V EPD {Perfect}的"have"部分和PRS/PST相联系,它的"-en"部分事实上和最左边的单词相连接,变成Ven。最左边单词和"-en"通常奇怪地被称作过去分词,虽然它和过去毫无关系。在本书中,我们把它称作完成/被动分词perfect/passive participle,因为它和完成/被动用法密切相关 。 完成/被动分词不总是以"-en"结尾。一些以"-ed"结尾,剩下的则是其它形式。大多数词典都有(i) 没有"-(e)s"的PRS形式,即,最左边的单词, (ii) PST 形式, 和 (iii) Ven形式的列表。如下, (i)A-B-C Type (16)a. begin - began - begun b. do - did - done c. eat - ate - eaten d. sing - sang - sung (ii)A-B-B Type (17)a. build - built - built b. kick - kicked - kicked c. pay - paid - paid d. have - had - had (iii)A-B-A Type (18)a. become-became-become b. run- ran - run c. come - came - come (iv)A-A-A Type (19)a. hit - hit - hit b. cut - cut - cut c. let - let - let d. cost - cost - cost13-4 [PRS + V 与 PST + V 与 PRS + "have-en" + V] 对比以下三个句子。 (20)a. The man in charge is out now. 负责人现在出去了。 b. The man in charge was out then. 负责人当时出去了。 c. The man in charge has been out for a couple of hours. 负责人出去几个小时了。句子(20a)指的是现在的一个时间点,句子(20b)指的是过去的一个时间点,那么,句子 (20c)则指的是和现在有关的过去的一个时间点。 下面的树形图说明了它们的差别。 (21) (is out) V / \ EPD[AGR] V (PRS) (be out) (22) (was out) V / \ EPD[AGR] V (PST) (be out) (23) (has been out) V / \ EPD[AGR] V (PRS) / \ EPD[PERF] V (have-en) (be out)13-5 [不适用的PERF (have-en)] 在一些情况下,不能用"have-en"。 (24) *Einstein has been in Paris before. (25) *John has worked there yesterday.例句(24)是不可以接受的,因为爱因斯坦去世了,他过去的行为不能和现在相联系。例句(25)中的副词"yesterday"表示过去,因此和"has worked"中的PRS是矛盾的。 下面是个类似的例子。 (26) *When has he finished his work?13-6 [过去完成时 (Had + Ven)] "PST + have-en"的组合表示在过去特定某一点的{Perfect完成}, {Experience经历}或者{Continuance持续}。 (i) <{Perfect} Usage 完成用法> (27) The train had already left when I arrived. 当我到的时候,火车已经开走了。 (28) She had panicked when the milk boiled over. 当牛奶煮沸的时候她惊慌了。 (ii) <{Experience} Usage 经历用法> (29) Until yesterday, I had never heard about it. 直到昨天我才听说这件事。 (30) I had often been to Europe before I visited South Africa. 在我去南非前,我经常去欧洲。 (iii) <{Continuance} Usage 持续用法> (31) I was very sleepy because I had driven since early morning. 我特别困倦,因为早上很早就开车了。 (32) Washington and his men had already fought for two months when the reinforcements came. 当援军来的时候,华盛顿和他的同伴们已经作战两个月了。(27)中划线部分的树形图为: (33) (had left) V / \ EPD[AGR] V (PST) / \ EPD[PERF] V (have-en) (leave)13-7 [带有其它含义的过去完成时] 在“过去”中的{Perfect完成}, {Experience经历}, 和 {Continuance持续}的含义可以由"PST + have-en"表达出来,实际上就是"had Ven"。但反之不成立。在以下例句中,"had Ven"的组合就没有这三种含义的任何一种。思考: (34) The airplane had had some engine trouble two months before the accident. 飞机在事故前两个月的时候,发动机有些故障。 (35) I wish I had been there. 我真希望我在那儿。在(34)中"had had"表示{Past过去}和{Past过去}, 在(35)中"had been"表示{Past过去}和{Subjunctive虚拟语气}(参考.26-6)。 |
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