第四章 句子的扩充 |
第二十一课 WH系疑问句:WH-ECHO-Q-S/INF-WH-Q-S/WH-Q-S/等
21-1 [WH-回应疑问句(WH-ECHO-Q-S)]
当你错过一个句子某些重要部分时,你可能会像以下(2)中的问题(B1 至B5)那样问。 (1) A : John lost his claim tag. 约翰把它的行李牌票了。 (2) B1: John lost his claim what? 约翰把他的什么丢了? B2: John lost his what? 约翰把他的什么丢了? B3: John lost what? 约翰把什么丢了? B4: John what? 约翰什么? B5: What? 约翰什么?句子B1至B5通过用"what"替换没听到的部分而形成。 (Dadada 表示没有听到的部分。) (3) what + [John lost his claim dadada] John lost his claim what? (B1) (4) what + [John lost his dadada] John lost his what? (B2) (5) what + [John lost dadada] John lost what? (B3) (6) what + [John dadada] John what? (B4) (7) what + [Dadada] What? (B5)我们把这些通过S EPD{Wh-Echo-Question}(WH-ECHO-Q) 而形成的句子叫做WH-回应疑问句,即wh-echo-question(WH-ECHO-Q-S) 。因此, (8) WH-ECHO-Q + K-S(含 dadada) WH-ECHO-Q-S(含 "what")21-2 [树形图] (3)至(7)的树形图: (9) (John lost his claim what?) WH-ECHO-Q-S / \ EPD[WH-ECHO-Q] K-S (what) (John lost his claim dadada.) (10) (John lost his what?) WH-ECHO-Q-S / \ EPD[WH-ECHO-Q] K-S (what) (John lost his dadada.) (11) (John lost what?) WH-ECHO-Q-S / \ EPD[WH-ECHO-Q] K-S (what) (John lost dadada.) (12) (John what?) WH-ECHO-Q-S / \ EPD[WH-ECHO-Q] K-S (what) (John dadada.) (13) (What?) WH-ECHO-Q-S / \ EPD[WH-ECHO-Q] K-S (what) (Dadada.)21-3 [WH-ECHO-Q的操作] 这样,造一个WH-ECHO-Q-S: <WH-ECHO-Q> 步骤一:用"what"替换未听到的部分。 步骤二:在句尾提高音调(说话时);在句尾添加符号“?”(书写时)。通常,扩充子WH-ECHO-Q, "what",看起来并不严格要求语法种类。 (14) A: Hanako's homesick. 花子想家了。 B: Hanako's home-what? 花子想什么家了?然而,在以下例句中,它看起来确实在努力使自己符合语法。 (15) A: Astronomers have discovered some more black holes. 天文学家已经发现了更多的黑洞。 B: They've discovered some more whats? (Quirk, p.836) 他们已经发现了更多的什么? (16) A: She sat there and ratiocinated. 她坐在那儿,推论着。 B: She sat there and whatted? (Quirk, p.836) 她坐在那儿,什么着?在以下的WH-ECHO-Q, "what"中,看起来需要再加一个步骤,类似于"我--你转换",即"I-You Switch"。 (17) A: I lost my claim tag. 我丢了我的行李票了。 B: You lost your what?/*I lost my what? 你丢了你的什么了? (18) A: Mary hates this garment bag. 玛丽讨厌这个行李包。 B: Mary hates that what?/*Mary hates this what? 玛丽讨厌那个什么?但是,要注意,(17 )和(18)的B句是从(19a)和(20a)分别转换过来的,而不是(19b) 和(20b)。 (19)a. You lost your dadada. b. I lost my dadada. (20)a. Mary hates that dadada. b. Mary hates this dadada.21-4 [非正式WH疑问句(INF-WH-Q-S)(i)] 当你错过了一些单词/短语,但你已知道他们是事物,人,地方,时间等,你可以用"what", "who(m)", "where", "when"等来询问,如下: (21) A: I've eaten a slug. 我吃了一个鼻涕虫。 B: You've eaten what/*whom? 你吃了个什么? (22) A: Mary hit John. 玛丽打了约翰。 B: Mary hit who(m)/*what? 玛丽打了谁? (23) A: His plane was hijacked near Miami. 他的飞机在迈阿密附近被劫机了。 B: His plane was hijacked where/*when? 他的飞机在哪儿被劫机了? (24) A: Napoleon was defeated in 1815. 拿破仑在1815年被打败了。 B: Napoleon was defeated when/*where? 拿破仑什么时候被打败了?在(21)中, "what"替换了"something"。同样地,在(22)中,"whom"替换了"someone" ,在(23)中"where"替换了"somewhere", 而在(24)中"when"替换了 "sometime"。 树形图: (25) (You've eaten what?) INF-WH-Q-S / \ EPD[INF-WH-Q] K-S (what) (You've eaten something) (26) (Mary hit whom?) INF-WH-Q-S / \ EPD[INF-WH-Q] K-S (whom) (Mary hit someone) (27) (His plane was hijacked where?) INF-WH-Q-S / \ EPD[INF-WH-Q] K-S (where) (His plane was hijacked somewhere) (28) (Napoleon was defeated when?) INF-WH-Q-S / \ EPD[INF-WH-Q] K-S (when) (Napoleon was defeated sometime)在本书中,我们称这样的句子为非正式wh-疑问句,即informal wh-question(INF-WH-Q-S) ,并称如"what", "who(m)", "where", "when"等句子扩充子为S EPD{Informal Wh-Question}(INF-WH-Q) 。因而, <INF-WH-Q> 步骤一:用"what", "who(m)", "where", "when"等替换相应没听到的部分。 步骤二:在句尾提高音调(说话时);在句尾添加符号“?”(书写时) INF-WH-Q's相对应的“某单词/短语”(some-words/phrases)列表。 (29)a. what → something, etc. b. who(m) → someone, etc. c. whose → someone's, etc. d. where → somewhere, etc. e. when → sometime, etc. f. why → for some reason, etc. g. how → somehow, etc. h. which → one or the other, etc. i. how often → some times, etc.21-5 [非正式WH疑问句(INF-WH-Q-S)(ii)] 一个非正式的wh-question(INF-WH-Q-S)不仅可以当句子某部分没听见时使用,也可以当一个句子一开始就不知道某部分时使用。(31)中的A就是一个例子。 (30) A: I lost my camera. B: You lost what? (31) A: So you lost what? B: A camera.(33)中的A也是同样的例子。 (32) A: I lost it in the subway. B: You lost it where? (33) A: So you lost it where? B: Gee, I don't know.(31A)和(33A)的意思分别与(30B)和(32B)相同。 (34) what + [You lost something] You lost what? (35) where + [You lost it somewhere] You lost it where?21-6 [WH疑问句(WH-Q-S)] 更常见的是下列问句。 (36) What did you lose? 你丢了什么了? (37) Where did you lose it? 你在哪儿丢的?我们称这些句子为wh-question(WH-Q-S) 和S EPD{Wh-Question}即WH-Q。 (36)和(37)的树形图: (38) (What did you lose ø ?) WH-Q-S / \ EPD[WH-Q] K-S (what) (You lost something) (39) (Where did you lose it ø ?) WH-Q-S / \ EPD[WH-Q} K-S (where) (You lost it somewhere)句子(36)和(37)生成过程如下。 (40) what + [You lost something] ↓ Step 1 (INF-WH-Q) [You lost what?] ↓ Step 2 (Q) [Did you lose what?] ↓ Step 3 (Front Wh-Word) [What did you lose ø ?] (41) where + [You lost it somewhere] ↓ Step 1 (INF-WH-Q) [You lost it where?] ↓ Step 2 (Q) [Did you lose it where?] ↓ Step 3 (Front Wh-Word) [Where did you lose it ø ?]其它例句: (42) Whom did they choose ø as president? 他们选谁当总统了? (43) How much did you pay ø for such a lemon? 这样的一个瓜你付多少钱? (44) When is she coming back ø? 她什么时候回来? (45) Why did he think so ø? 他为什么会那样想?21-7 [句首的Wh-Words] 当wh-word出现在核心句(K-S)的句首时,我们只用第一个步骤。 (46) What happened? 发生什么了? (47) Who hit upon the idea first? 谁第一个想出这个主意的?(46)和(47)生成过程如下。 (48) what + [Something happened] ↓ Step 1: INF-WH-Q [What happened?] (49) who + [Someone hit upon the idea first] ↓ Step 1: INF-WH-Q [Who hit upon the idea first?]其它例句: (50) What seems to be the problem? 看起来是什么问题? (51) Who invented the cotton gin? 谁发明的轧棉机?最后,扩充子WH-Q引起以下几个步骤。 <WH-Q> 步骤一:把INF-WH-Q加到核心句上,包括some-word。 步骤二:添加Q,但只有当wh-word 不在句首的时候方可。 步骤三:把wh-word放在前面。( 出现)21-8 [WH感叹句(WH-EXCL-S)] 参考25-8 两个wh-words, "what"和"how",可以产生一个没有{WH-Q}意思的新句子,但有 {Exclamation感叹}的意思。 (52) What a cold day it was! 多么冷的天气啊! (53) How happy she is! 她多高兴啊!我们称这些句子为wh-exclamation 或者 WH-EXCL-S。这些句子通过S EPD {Wh-Exclamation} 或 WH-EXCL由带有"very"的核心句生成。 (54) what + [It was a very cold day] What a cold day it was! (55) how + [She is very happy] How happy she is!(52)和(53)的树形图: (56) (What a cold day it was!) WH-EXCL-S / \ EPD[WH-EXCL] K-S (what) (It was a very cold day) (57) (How happy she is!) WH-EXCL-S / \ EPD[WH-EXCL] K-S (how) (She is very happy) |
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