第五章 动词的转换 |
第二十二课 V-N扩充子(V-N CVT):"to", "-ing"等
22-1 [V-N扩充子(V-N CVT):"to"]
一个带有"to"的动词(V)可以具有名词(N)的功能。 (1)a. To watch wild birds is my hobby. 观看野鸟是我的爱好。 b. Art is my hobby. 艺术是我的爱好。(1a)中的划线部分"to watch wild birds",语法上可以和(1b)中的名词(N) "art"互换。既然"watch wild birds"是动词(V),而"to watch wild birds"是名词(N), 可以说动词(V)可以通过转换子"to"转换成名词(N)。换言之, (2) to + V N在本书中,我们称这种转换子为verb-noun convertor(V-N CVT) , "to"。(1a)中的划线部分树形图如下: (3) (to watch wild birds) N / \ CVT[V-N] V (to) (watch wild birds)新产生的名词(N),更准确地说,一个名词短语,通常可以在名词的位置出现。 (4) Dogs like to bury bones. 狗喜欢把骨头埋起来。 (5) The most important thing is not to win, but to take part. 最重要的不是获胜,而是参与。 (6) Our plan is to get there early and have lunch. 我们的计划是早些到那儿,然后吃午饭。 (7) To know is one thing, to teach another. 知道是一回事儿,讲授是另一回事儿。 (8) We had no choice but to give up the plan. 我没有选择只有放弃计划。22-2 [形式语"it"] 当一个名词短语"to V"太长的时候,我们更喜欢用"it"来代替, 如下(9b)的形式。 (9)a. To talk frankly is not always good. (opt.可选择) b. It is not always good to talk frankly. 说话直率不总是好的。其它例子: (10) It's expensive to live in a big city. 住在大城市很贵。 (11) It's our custom to get together once a year. 每年一次的聚会是我们的习惯。 (12) It took me a long time to solve this problem. 解决这个问题花了我很长时间。有时候,使用形式语"it"是必须的。 (13)a. I thought it better to talk frankly. (obl.必须的) 我认为最好坦白地说。 b. *I thought to talk frankly better.22-3 ["to" +动词(V)的复杂扩充形 N的场合:to have Ven, not to V, 等。] 一个复杂的扩充动词可以通过"to"被转换成一个名词(N)。 (14) The poor hate to be pitied by the rich. 穷人憎恨被富人怜悯。 (15) I want to be sitting in the woods, listening to a nightingale. 我想坐在树林里,听夜莺的声音。 (16) It's a mistake to have left a little child alone. 把小孩子一个人留下自己离去是不对的。 (17) He told us not to be late. 他们警告我们不要迟到。(14)中划线部分的树形图为: (18) (to be pitied ø) N / \ CVT[V-N] V (to) / \ EPD[PASS] V (be-en) (pity the poor)(17)中划线部分的树形图为: (19) (not to be late) N / \ CVT[V-N] V (to) / \ EPD[NEG] V (not) (be late)记住,不是所有动词扩充子的组合都可以通过转换子"to"被转换成一个名词(N)。例如,转换子"to"不能和含有MOD的动词短语一起使用。 (20)a. *to will go b. *to may come22-4 [V-N转换子(V-N CVT): "how to",等] 有时候,动词(V)可以通过带有wh-word的转换子"to"被转换成名词(N)。 (21) The problem was how to make a fire. 问题是如何生火。(21)中的划线部分是由动词"make a fire somehow"通过verb-noun convertor(V-N CVT) "how to" 生成的,如下(22)。 (22) how to + [make a fire somehow] ↓ Step 1: Substitute the wh-word to some-word. to + [make a fire how] ↓ Step 2: Move the wh-word to the front. ↓ (ø comes out) [how to make a fire ø]树形图: (23) (how to make a fire ø) N / \ CVT[V-N] V (how to) (make a fire somehow)其它例句: (24) I didn't know what to do next. 我不知道下一步做什么。 (25) I didn't know when to stop it. 我不知道什么时候停止。 (26) I didn't know where to go first. 我不知道先从哪儿出发。 (27) I didn't know which to take. 我不知道拿哪一个。22-5 [for+N A] 当你想在名词(N) "to V"上添加{Agent}或{Theme}的意思时, 你可以使用"for N"形式, 它是由名词(N)转换成的(A)。 参考22-11(N'sA) (28) It is very hard for a high school dropout to get a job. 高中退学的人很难找到工作。树形图: (29) (for a high school dropout to get a job) N / \ A N / \ / \ CVT[N-A] N CVT[V-N] V (for) (a h.s.d.) (to) (get a job)其它例句。 (30) For the working class to own a car was something unbelievable before the war. 在战前,工人阶级拥有汽车是难以置信的事情。 (31) What I want is for you to go there yourself. 我想要的是你自己去那儿。 (32) It is impossible for there to be any animal on the moon. cf.23-9 月球上有任何动物是不可能的。 参考23-9在以下例句中,Equi Rule #3起作用,"for N"被删除。 (33)a. *I like for me to sing in the bathtub. b. I like to sing in the bathtub. 我喜欢在浴缸里唱歌。注意,在(33)中,"like"和"sing in the bathtub"两个动作的施动者是同一个人。在 (33a)中,Equi Rule #3没有被使用,而在(33b)中则使用了该法则。 (33a)中的"me" 首先由于Equi Rule #3而被删除了,然后,转换子"for"由于不需要转换任何东西,而自行消失了。 其它例句: (34)a. *I told him for him to come back soon. b. I told him to come back soon. 我让他马上回来。 (35)a. *I promised him for me to come back soon. b. I promised him to come back soon. 我答应他马上回来。22-6 [VZ ++ N + toV] 在一些像 "want"和"expect"的动词化子(VZs)的后面,"for"总是被删除。 (36) I want you to come back soon. 我想让你快点回来。另一方面,没有"for"意味着增添了OM-NI转换子"" (参考8-6) 树形图: (37) (want ø you to come back soon) V / \ VZ N (want) / \ A N / \ / \ CVT[OM-NI] N CVT[V-N] V (ø) (you) (to) (come back soon)其它例句: (38) I forced him to go there. 我强迫他去那儿。 (39) I believed him to be innocent. 我相信他是清白的。 (40) I don't want you to be laughed at by anyone. 我不想让你被任何人嘲笑。 (41) I'd advise you not to invite her. 我建议你不要邀请她。22-7 [VZ + + N + + V] 在一些像"make", "let", "see", "hear"和"feel"一样的动词化子(VZs)后,"for"和"to"都省略。 (42)a. *I made for him to go. b. *I made him to go. c. I made him go. 我让他走。(42c)的动词短语的树形图: (43) (made ø him ø go) V / \ VZ N (made) / \ A N / \ / \ CVT[OM-NI] N CVT[OM-NI] V (ø) (him) (ø) (go)其它例句: (44) Please let me do that. 请让我做吧。 (45) I saw him walk across the road. 我看见他走过马路。 (46) We heard something fall onto the floor with a thud. 我听到有东西砰的一声掉到地上。 (47) I felt something cold touch me on the shoulder. 我感觉有什么凉的东西碰到我的肩膀上。 (48) We were all listening to the teacher read the textbook. 我们在听老师读课本。在22-5中"for N"被删除,我们可以解释是因为运用Equi Rule #3来避免不必要的重复。然而, 22-6中的"for"和22-7中的"for-to"为什么被删除有些令人迷惑;看起来是无法说明的。 22-8 [V-N转换子(V-N CVT): "-ing"] 像在(49a)中,转换子"to", "-ing"也可以使动词(V)变成名词(N)。 (49)a. I like watching wild birds. 我喜欢观看野鸟。 b. I like wild birds. 我喜欢野鸟。规则是: (50) V + -ing N我们称这个转换子为verb-noun convertor(V-N CVT), "-ing"。(49a)中划线部分的树形图如下: (51) (watching wild birds) N / \ CVT[V-N] V (-ing) (watch wild birds)其它例子。 (52) They enjoyed playing tag. 他们喜欢玩捉迷藏的游戏。 (53) Shaking hands is an old custom. 握手是很老的传统。 (54) I'm looking forward to seeing you again. 我盼望着再见到你。 (55) How about taking a coffee break for a while. 喝杯咖啡休息一会儿怎么样? (56) On leaving school, he went into business. 离开学校,他从商了。22-9 [不明确的Ving形 (i)] 参考24-5 比较下面两个划线部分。 (57)a. My hobby is collecting stamps. 我的爱好是收集邮票。 b. My brother is collecting stamps. 我的兄弟正在收集邮票。前者来自动词"collect stamps"加上一个V-N CVT "-ing", 而后者来自同一个动词 "collect stamps"加上一个V EPD{Progressive进行} "be-ing"。 比较两个树形图: (58) (collecting stamps) N / \ CVT[V-N] V (-ing) (collect stamps) (59) ((is) collecting stamps) V / \ EPD[PROG] V (be-ing) (collect stamps)22-10 ["-ing"+动词(V)的复杂扩充形 N:being Ven, having Ven, 等] 一个复杂扩充动词也可以通过转换子"-ing"转换成一个名词(N)。 (60) I knew for the first time the happiness of loving and being loved. 我第一次知道爱与被爱的幸福。 (61) Not dressing warmly in winter can result in catching a bad cold. 冬天穿的不暖和可能会引起重感冒。 (62) Jane's ashamed of having broken her promise again. 简对于再次食言感到很惭愧。 (63) I can't stand being laughed at. 我不能忍受被嘲笑。 (64) He regretted not having been a good son. 他为没有一个好儿子而感到遗憾。 (65) He is very proud of having been educated in England. 他对在英格兰受过教育感到很自豪。(60)中划线部分的树形图: (66) (being loved ø ) N / \ CVT[V-N] V (-ing) / \ EPD[PASS] V (be-en) (love me)22-11 [N+'s A] 当你想在名词"Ving"上加上{Agent}或{Theme}的意思时,可以使用"N's"的形式,它是由名词(N)生成的形容词(A)。 参考 22-5(for+NA) (67) I'm proud of my son's attending a good school. 我很自豪我的儿子在一所好学校上学。(67)中的划线部分的树形图: (68) (my son's attending a good school) N / \ A N / \ / \ CVT[N-A] N CVT[V-N] V (-'s) (my son) (-ing) (attend a good school)在以下两个例子中,(69a)中重复的"my"是不合语法的,而后面的(69b)没有"my"才是合语法的。 (69)a. *I'm proud of my attending a good school. b. I'm proud of ø attending a good school.(69b)中相关部分的树形图如下: (70) ( ø attending a good school) N / \ A N / \ / \ CVT[N-A] N CVT[V-N] V (-'s→ø) (I→ø) (-ing) (attend a good school)Equi Rule #3的应用导致首先"I "的删除,然后是"-'s"的删除。 22-12 [N's Ving 与 N Ving] 对比以下两划线部分。 (71)a. I don't mind John's smoking in my room. b. I don't mind John smoking in my room.(71a)中的划线部分的树形图很容易画出: (72) (John's smoking in my room) N / \ A N / \ / \ CVT[N-A] N CVT[V-N] V (-'s) (John) (-ing) (smoke in my room)然而,(71b)中的相关部分看起来有两种结构并且有两种意思。其中一个可能的结构为: (73)a. (John smoking in my room) N / \ A N / \ / \ CVT[OM-NI] N CVT[V-N] V (ø) (John) (-ing) (smoke in my room)另一个可能的结构为: (73)b. (John smoking in my room) N / \ N A (John) / \ CVT[V-A] V (-ing) (smoke in my room)在(73a)中, "John"是一个由OM-NI CVT ""和 (N) "John"组成形容词(A), 而在(73b)中的"John"是被一个形容词短语"smoking in my room"(参考 24-4中的V-A CVT "-ing")跟着的一个名词(N)。换句话说, 在(71a)中"I"不介意的是"smoking in my room"的行为, 而在(71b)中则是人"John"。 22-13 [to + V N 与 V + -ing N] "to V"和"Ving"都可以是一个(N)。然而,一些动词化子(VZs)只位于"to V"前面,而另一些只位于"Ving"前面, 但也有许多既可以位于"to V"前面也可以位于"Ving"前面。 (i) 动词化子(VZs) 只位于"to V"前面的情况 (74)a. He tends to boast. 他想自夸。 b. *He tends boasting. (75)a. She wished to go to college. 她希望上大学。 b. *She wished going to college. (76)a. The president expects to attend the meeting. 那位总统期待出席那个会议。 b. *The president expects attending the meeting. (ii)动词化子(VZs)只位于"Ving"前面的情况 (77)a. I enjoyed skiing. 我喜欢滑雪。 b. *I enjoyed to ski. (78)a. Looks like she avoids seeing me. 看起来她想避开我。 b. *Looks like she avoids to see me. (79)a. We all finished reading the book. 我们都读完那本书了。 b. *We all finished to read the book. (iii) 动词化子(VZs)可以位于"to V"和"Ving"的情况 (80)a. I intend to quit my job. b. I intend quitting my job. 我想辞掉工作。 (81)a. Dad likes to sleep late on Sundays. b. Dad likes sleeping late on Sundays. 父亲喜欢在星期天晚起。 (82)a. I don't bother to do such a thing. b. I don't bother doing such a thing. 我不是故意想这么做的。一些语言学家认为,在(iii)中,"to V"通常有{Future将来}或者{Incomplete未完成}的意思,而"Ving"则有{Present现在/Past过去}或者{Complete完成}的意思。 (83)a. I forgot to lock at the door. 我忘记锁门了。 b. I forgot locking at the door. 我忘记锁没锁门了。 (84)a. He tried to write to her, but he couldn't. 他想给她写信,但是他写不了。 b. He tried writing to her, but she did not reply. 他试着给她写信,但是她没有回复。然而,有许多例子不支持这个分析。 |
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