第五章 动词的转换 |
第二十四课 V-A转换子(V-A CVT):"to", "-ing"
24-1 [V-A转换子(V-A CVT):"to"]
一个带有"to"的动词(V), 经常可以作为形容词(A)使用,如(1a)中的划线部分。 (1)a. John has a large family to look after him. b. = John has a large family who could look after him. 约翰有一个能照顾他的大家庭。在(1a)中的划线部分,我们观察到动词"look after him"通过转换子"to"的转换过程。 公式为: (2) to + V A在本书中,我们把动词(V)转换成形容词(A)的转换子"to"称作verb-adjective convertor(V-A CVT), "to"。 (1a)中的划线部分的树形图为: (3) [a large family](to look after him) A / \ CVT[V-A] V (to) (look after him(=John))现在看(4a): (4)a. John has a large family to look after. b. = John has a large family whom he should look after. 约翰有一个大家庭要照顾。(4a)中的划线部分是"to"和"look after"的组合。但是"look after"在意思上并不完整,许多英语本族语的人觉得它后面缺少了什么。在本书中我们称"look after"仅仅为一个动词化子(VZ),并且在它后面由于Equi Rule #3 (参考11-1)而存在一个空隙或者。 因此,上述句子(4a)严格地表示应如句子(5)。 (5) John has a large family to look after ø. (=4a)树形图: (6) [a large family](to look after ø) A / \ CVT[V-A] V (to) (look after a large family)何时并如何产生呢?当"to V"里的名词和它前面的名词(N)相同时,产生,通过运用法则Equi Rule #3, 产生。 在(1a)中, "to look after him"中的名词"him"和在它前面的名词"a large family" 是不一样的,而在(4a)中,两个名词("to"前面隐蔽的"a large family"和"look after"后隐蔽的"a large family")是相同的。换言之,在(1a)中没有多余的东西,而在(4a)则有多余。这正是一个Equi Rule #3的例子。 动词-名词转换子"to"或者动词-副词转换子"to"都不能产生。 这个功能只属于动词-形容词转换子 "to"。 其它例子: (i) to V A (without ?) (7) Three cheeseburgers to go, please. 三个奶酪汉堡带走。 (8) He has no friends to advise him. 他没有朋友给他建议。 (9) He is the last person to do such a thing. 他是最后一个做这样事情的人。 (ii) to V A (with ø) (10) I have a lot of work to do ø today. 我今天有很多工作要做。 (11) We had no time to lose ø. 我没有时间可以浪费。 (12) These refugees have no house to live in ø. 这些难民没有房子住。 (13) He is a hard person to do business with ø. 他是一个很难和他做生意的人。24-2 [to + 动词(V)的复杂扩充形A的场合: to be Ving,to have Ven,等] 一个复杂扩充动词可以通过转换子"to"被转变成形容词(A)。 (14) The patient seems to be getting better. 病人看起来有好转。 (15) We seem to have gotten off the point. 我们似乎跑题了。(14)中划线部分的树形图: (16) (to be getting better) A / \ CVT[V-A] V (to) / \ EPD[PROG] V (be-ing) (get better)24-3 [for + N AD] 当你想在形容词(A) "to V"上增加{Agent}或{Theme}的意思时,你可以用"for N"的形式。(参考 22-5, 23-4) (17) The library has a lot of books for the children to read ø. 图书馆里有很多书供儿童阅读。 (18) His politeness is a good example for others to follow ø. 他的彬彬有礼是一个供他人学习的好榜样。同时,(17)和(18)中的"for N"部分不是形容词而是副词。 (17)中划线部分的树形图: (19) [a lot of books] (for the children to read ø ) A / \ AD A / \ / \ CVT[N-AD] N CVT[V-A] V (for) (the children) (to) (read a lot of books)24-4 [V-A转换子(V-A CVT):"-ing"] 像转换子"to"一样, "-ing"也可以附在动词(V)上构成形容词(A),如(20a): (20)a. Mary smiled at the baby sleeping in the cradle. b. = Mary smiled at the baby who was sleeping in the cradle. 玛丽冲着睡在摇篮里的婴儿微笑着。换言之, (21) V + -ing A本书中,这种"-ing"类型叫做 verb-adjective convertor(V-A CVT), "-ing"。(20a)中划线部分的树形图: (22) (sleeping in the cradle) A / \ CVT[V-A] V (-ing) (sleep in the cradle)其它例子: (23) The man living next door seldom goes out. 住在隔壁的男人很少出门。 (24) I'd like a room facing the lake, if possible. 如果可能的话,我想要面冲着湖的房间。 (25) We received a letter from Jim saying he's sick in bed. 我们收到吉姆的信说他病了。 (26) He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. 他好像是一本活词典。24-5 [不明确的Ving形 (ii)] 参考. 22-9 对比以下两句。 (27)a. a sleeping BABY (=a baby who is sleeping) 一个正在睡觉的婴儿 b. a SLEEPING car (= a car for sleeping) 一辆卧车考虑声调,(27a)对应(28a),(27b)对应(28b)。 (28)a. a brown CASE (= a case which is brown) 一个棕色箱子 b. a BOOK case (= a case for books) 一个书箱。换言之,(27a) 中的"sleeping"是一个非常接近真正形容词(A)的形容词(A),而在(27b)中的"SLEEPING"是一个非常接近名词(N)的形容词。 树形图: (29) (sleeping baby) N / \ A N / \ (baby) CVT[V-A] V (-ing) (sleep) (30) (sleeping car) N / \ A N / \ (car) CVT[OM-NI] N (ø) / \ CVT[V-N] V (-ing) (sleep)24-6 [(being) Ven: A] 比较下列句子。 (31)a. We've got three days to go. b. We've got three days remaining. c. We've got three days left. 我们还剩三天。以上三句具有同样的意思。在(31a)中动词"go"通过V-A CVT "to"被转换,在(31b)中动词"remain"通过V-A CVT "-ing"被转换。那么(31c)呢? 肯定的是,(31c)中的"left"包括{Passive被动}和形容词(A)的功能。因此它的树形图为 (32) ((being) left ø) A / \ CVT[V-A] V (-ing) / \ EPD[PASS] V (be-en) (leave three days) (在"being"开头的形容词短语中,前面的"being"往往可以省略。)其它例句: (33) He bought a boomerang made in France. 他买了个法国制造的回飞棒。 (34) I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 我会为你祈祷的。 (35) He had his decayed tooth pulled out. 他把他的龋齿拔掉了。 (36) There were a lot of wounded soldiers in the hospital. 在医院里有很多受伤的士兵。 (37) We had to drive with the window closed. 我们不得不关上窗户驾驶。24-7 [to + V A 与 V + -ing A] 任何动词都可以通过"to"或"-ing"变成形容词,但依情况不同会稍微产生新的意思。 (38)a. John has a large family looking after him. =John has a large family who are looking after him. 约翰有一个大家庭照顾他。 b. John has a large family to look after him. =(38a) =John has a large family who could look after him. 约翰有一个大家庭可以照顾他。结果,"to V"在某些情况下可以被接受,但在其它一些情况下则不能,"Ving"也是如此。 (39)a. John has a large family to look after ø. 约翰有个大家庭要照顾。 b. *John has a large family looking after ø. (40)a. *My hometown is a harbor to face the Pacific Ocean. b. My hometown is a harbor facing the Pacific Ocean. 我的故乡有个面向太平洋的海港。 |
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