目 次
 第I章 基本6品詞
 LESSON 1 音/文字 ─ 形態素
  1-1 形態素:ひとつの意味と2つの形(音/文字)

  1-2 母音と子音

  1-3 強勢と音調

  1-4 音と文字
       36音 vs 26文字

 [大文字](capital letter)
[小文字](small letter)
 LESSON 2 拡充と転換
  2-1 形態素+形態素=語の場合
  2-2 形態素+形態素=句の場合
       a cat, danced happily
  2-3 複合語(語と句の中間)
       stomach ache/stomach-ache/stomachache
  2-4 形態素+形態素:拡充の場合
       unable/can swim

 [文法カテゴリー](grammatical category)
  2-5 形態素+形態素:転換の場合
       ability/to swim

  2-6 主形態素と副形態素
       can swim/to swim
       be going to work/because of the storm

 [主形態素](major morpheme)
[副形態素](minor morpheme)
  2-7 副形態素:拡充子(EPD)/転換子(CVT)
       拡充子:un-/can/be going to
       転換子:-ity/to/because of

 LESSON 3 主形態素──名詞(N)
  3-1 名詞(N):固有名詞(Npro)、可算名詞(Nc)、

       John, book, water
[固有名詞:Npro](proper noun)
[可算名詞:Nc](countable noun)
[不可算名詞:Nu](uncountable noun)
  3-2 固有名詞(Npro) vs 可算名詞(Nc)
       two Johns     the john
  3-3 可算名詞(Nc) vs 不可算名詞(Nu)
       two poems    *two poetries
  3-4 many+可算名詞(Nc) vs much +不可算名詞(Nu)
       many cats     much water
 [単数形](singular form)
[複数形](plural form)
  3-5 可算名詞(Nc)でもあり不可算名詞(Nu)でもあるもの?
       much kindness  many kindnesses
  3-6 不可算名詞(Nu)の慣用的複数表現
       a blade of grass
  3-7 可算名詞(Nc)の慣用的複数表現
       a pack of cigarettes
 LESSON 4 主形態素──形容詞(A)
  4-1 形容詞(A)、名詞の拡充(A+N)
       big apple
  4-2 形容詞(A)の意味
       round, green, big, wooden, rich

  4-3 後置の形容詞(A)
       something nice
  4-4 2つ以上の形容詞(A):A1−A2−N
       *the young big man
  4-5 N?+N =N
       a girl friend
  4-6 形容詞(A)の2つの文法特性:形容詞(A)っぽさ
       big house/The house is big.
       utter fool/*The fool is utter.

 LESSON 5 主形態素──動詞(V)
  5-1 動詞(V)
       come, know

  5-2 動詞(V)と動詞化子(VZ)
       have a headache
  5-3 BE動詞(Vbe)と 一般動詞(Vcom)
       be lucky  vs  go
[一般動詞:Vcom](common verb)
 LESSON 6 主形態素──副詞(AD)
  6-1 副詞(AD)、動詞の拡充(V+AD)
       Try again.
  6-2 副詞(AD)の意味
  6-3 副詞(AD)の形:-ly を持つもの/持たないもの
  6-4 副詞(AD)の作用域(scope)
       Fortunately he did not die.

  6-5 2つ以上の副詞(AD):V−AD1−AD2
       I worked hard yesterday.
       *I worked yesterday hard.

 LESSON 7 副形態素──拡充子(EPD)
  7-1 拡充子(EPD)のいろいろ
       EPD + X
 [N拡充子](N EPD)
[A拡充子](A EPD)
[V拡充子](V EPD)
[AD拡充子](AD EPD)
[S拡充子](S EPD)
  7-2 N拡充子(接辞レベル){複数}: PL
       two dogs/two books/two dishes
 [N拡充子{複数}:PL ](N EPD{Plural})
  7-3 可算名詞(Nc)の規則複数形:-s/-es
       文字:-s, -es
       音:/s/, /z/, /iz/
 [規則複数形](regular plural form)
  7-4 可算名詞(Nc)の不規則複数形: -ren, etc.
       two children  two geese  two sheep
 [不規則複数形](irregular plural form)
[ゼロ変化の拡充子:φ](expander φ)
  7-5 N拡充子(語レベル){不定}: INDF
       a day

 [N拡充子{不定}:INDF](N EPD{Indefinite})
  7-6 a と an
       an egg/*a egg
  7-7 a(n) + A + Nu
       *a rain vs a heavy rain
  7-8 N拡充子(語レベル){定}: DEF
       the house, the door, the earth
 [N拡充子{定}:DEF](N EPD{Definite})
  7-9 その他のN拡充子(語レベル)
       one, some, few, little, many, much, no
       first, this, these, each, all, neither, both

 [N拡充子{数量}:QUANT](N EPD{Quantifier})
[N拡充子{指示}:DEM] (N EPD{Demonstrative})
  7-10 A(D)拡充子{比較級}: CMP
 [A(D)拡充子{比較級}:CMP ](A(D) EPD{Comparative})
  7-11 A(D)拡充子{最上級}: SUP
 [A(D)拡充子{最上級}:SUP ](A(D) EPD{Superlative})
  7-12 OMNI拡充子:OMNI
       ham and eggs,
       or/but/not only...but also...

 LESSON 8 副形態素──転換子(CVT)
  8-1 転換子(CVT)のいろいろ
       CVT + X  Y
  [N−A転換子](N-A CVT)
[N−V転換子](N-V CVT)
[N−AD転換子](N-AD CVT)
[A−N転換子](A-N CVT)
[A−V転換子](A-V CVT)
[A−AD転換子](A-AD CVT)
[V−N転換子](V-N CVT)
[V−A転換子](V-A CVT)
[V−AD転換子](V-AD CVT)
[AD−N転換子](AD-N CVT)
[AD−A転換子](AD-A CVT)
[AD−V転換子](AD-V CVT)
[S−N転換子](S-N CVT)
[S−A転換子](S-A CVT)
[S−AD転換子](S-AD CVT)
  8-2 N−A転換子(接辞レベル)の -ful と -'s
       careful/ Mom's
  8-3 N−A転換子(接辞レベル)の -'s とN−A転換子
    (語レベル)の of

       Japan's vs of Japan
  8-4 N−A(D)転換子(語レベル)のいろいろ
       by the window(A用法とAD用法)
       in front of me(A用法とAD用法)

  8-5 複数の意味を持つN−A(D)転換子(語レベル)
  8-6 OM-NI転換子:φ
       [φ + boy] friend
       [φ + valuable] + -s

 [OM-NI転換子:φ](OM-NI CVT, φ)
  8-7 6つの基本的な文法カテゴリー(4つの主形態素と



 第II章 文(S)
 LESSON 9 文と呼応
  9-1 文(S):(A)−N−V−(AD)
       Cheerful cheerleaders cheer cheerfully.
 [文: S](sentence)
  9-2 2つの時制:現在形と過去形
 [現在形](present form)
[過去形](past form)
  9-3 呼応
  9-4 一般動詞(Vcom)の2つの現在形

 [3人称単数現在形](3rd-person singular present form)
[V拡充子{呼応}:AGR](V EPD{Agreement})
[V拡充子{呼応(現在)}:PRS](V EPD{Agreement(Present)})
  9-5 一般動詞(Vcom)のひとつの過去形
 [V拡充子{呼応(過去)}:PST](V EPD{Agreement(Past)})
  9-6 BE動詞(Vbe)の3つの現在形
       PRS(現在)+Vbe → am/is/are 〜
  9-7 BE動詞(Vbe)の2つの過去形
       PST(過去)+Vbe → was/were 〜
       w- + PRS形 → PST形

  9-8 まとめ:文(S)
        / \
       N   V
          / \
      EPD[AGR]  V

 LESSON 10 動詞型
  10-1 3動詞型

 [3動詞型](three verb patterns)
  10-2 7動詞型

 [7動詞型](seven verb patterns)
  10-3 樹形図
  10-4 多芸の動詞化子(VZ)
       Mary kept a diary/kept quiet/kept her
       room neat and tidy/...

 LESSON 11 照応
  11-1 重複と 重複ル−ル#1〜#3
       You don't need sulfur for drying apricots;
       sulfur ruins the flavor.
       John works for Baskin-Robbins.
       He likes ice cream.
       A novel was written φ by the computer.

 [重複ルール#1](Equi Rule#1)
[重複ルール#2](Equi Rule#2)
[重複ルール#3](Equi Rule#3)
  11-2 重複ル−ル#2 と 照応形
       ANA + John he
 [照応形:ANA形](anaphoric form)
[N拡充子{照応}:ANA](N EPD {Anaphora})
  11-3 拡充子{照応}(ANA)と名詞(N)の性/数/

       N0 + VZ + N1

 [N0の位置(主格)](subjective case)
[N1の位置(目的格)](objective case)
  11-4 -self/-selves形
  11-5 その他の照応形
       each other, one, so, do so, as many,
       his, their, then, there

  11-6 後方照応
       It's delicious, this coffee.
       It's expensive to live in a big city.

 [後方照応](backward anaphora)

 第III章 動詞の拡充
 LESSON 12 V拡充子{法性}:MOD(canなど)
  12-1 V拡充子{法性}:MOD(canなど)
       can write a novel
 [V拡充子{法性}:MOD](V EPD {Modal})
  12-2 canのいろいろな意味
  12-3 willのいろいろな意味
  12-4 mayのいろいろな意味
  12-5 mustのいろいろな意味
  12-6 shouldのいろいろな意味
  12-7 認識的用法(epistemic)と非認識的用法

       John must be careful.
       (epistemic) (〜にちがいない)
       (non-epistemic) (〜でなければならない)

  12-8 V拡充子{法性} (MOD)の呼応(i):非認識的用法

       The baby can walk now.
       The baby could walk a week ago.

  12-9 V拡充子{法性} (MOD)の呼応(ii):認識的用法

       You should be more careful here and now.
       You should have been more careful then
       and there.

  12-10 準V拡充子{法性}:SEMI-MOD
       I am going to quit my job.
       I have to call Susan.

  12-11 Shall we ...?/Will you ...? などの慣用表現
       Will you put this back?
  12-12 could/would/mightなどの丁寧表現
       Could you pick me up?
 LESSON 13 V拡充子{完了} :PERF(have-en)
  13-1 V拡充子{完了}:PERF(have-en)

 [V拡充子{完了}:PERF](V EPD {Perfect})
  13-2 樹形図 と類例
  13-3 Ven形と完了/受身分詞
[完了/受身分詞](perfect/passive participle)
  13-4 PRS+V vs PST+V vs PRS + have-en+V
       The man in charge is/was/has been out ...
  13-5 使用不可の PERF(have-en)
       *Einstein has been in Paris before.
  13-6 過去完了(had Ven)
 [過去完了](past perfect)
  13-7 その他の意味を持つ過去完了形
 LESSON 14 V拡充子{進行} :PROG(be-ing)
  14-1 V拡充子{進行}:PROG(be-ing)
 [V拡充子{進行}:PROG](V EPD {Progressive})
  14-2 樹形図
[進行分詞](progressive participle)
  14-3 PROG(be-ing) のいろいろな意味

  14-4 使用不可のPROG(be-ing)
       *I am knowing the news.
 LESSON 15 V拡充子{受身} :PASS(be-en)
  15-1 V拡充子{受身}:PASS(be-en)
 [V拡充子{受身}:PASS](V EPD {Passive})
  15-2 樹形図
  15-3 空所(φ)
       John will write an essay about himself/*φ.
       An essay was written φ/*itself.
       義務的(obligatory)な空所φ vs 任意的(optional)

  15-4 VZ+N+A(D)型とVZ+N1+N2型の受身形
       A lof of people were made φ homeless.
       He was given φ a Nobel Prize in 1971.

  15-5 使用不可のPASS(be-en)
       have a ball vs kick a ball
  15-6 {受身}の2つのモチベーション

  15-7 動作の受身と状態の受身
       The chair was broken. (ambiguous)
  15-8 目標、原因、手段などを表すN−A(D)転換子(語

       My brother is interested in history.
  15-9 V+CVT → VZ?
       laugh + at N vs laught at +N
  15-10 VZ+N+to+Vの受身形
       You are expected φ to go alone.
       *I was wished φ to join their team.

 LESSON 16 V拡充子の複合形:(MOD)+(PERF)+

  16-1 V拡充子の複合形
       The computer will have written a novel in a week.
       A novel will have been being written φ for 10,000
       hours by the computer by next month.

 [V拡充子の複合形](complex combination of V EPDs)
  16-2 樹形図と類例
       I must be dreaming.
       Tom will be invited φ to the party.

  16-3 V拡充子の複合形における拡充子の数と順序

 第IV章 文の拡充
  17-1 基本文(K-S)と強調文(EMPH-S)
       John IS a vegetarian.
       John DOES like onions.

[基本文:K-S](kernel sentence)
[強調文:EMPH-S](emphatic sentence)
  17-2 樹形図
 [S拡充子{強調}:EMPH](S EPD {Emphasis})
  17-3 EMPH の操作
       −DO型 vs +DO型
 [−DO型](−DO Type)
[+DO型](+DO Type)
  17-4 オペレーター(operator)
       We ARE friends.
       You SHOULD take this medicine.
       We DO go to school on Saturdays.

  17-5 EMPH の作用域:全文強調と語句強調
       Mary DID write to John yesterday.
       Mary WROTE to John yesterday.

  18-1 強調否定文(EMPH-NEG-S)
       John ISN'T a vegetarian.
       John DOESN'T like onions.

 [強調否定文: EMPH-NEG-S](emphatic negative sentence)
[S拡充子{強調否定}:EMPH-NEG](S EPD{Emphatic Negation})
  18-2 樹形図
  18-3 EMPH-NEGの操作と類例
 [オペレーターの特定](operator specification)
  18-4 普通否定文(NEG-S)
       John isn't a vegetarian.
       John doesn't like onions.

 [普通否定文: NEG-S](simple negative sentence)
[S拡充子{普通否定}:NEG](S EPD {Simple Negation})
  18-5 NEG の操作と類例
  18-6 EMPH-NEG/NEG の作用域:

       TOM didn't give her a cake.
       What the dictionary says is not always
       You may    not stay here.

  18-7 副詞(AD)の作用域と否定拡充子(EMPH-

       She definitely didn't speak to him.
  18-8 EMPH-NEG/NEGと必ず共起する要素/決して

       not ...give a red cent vs *not ...pretty late
  18-9 その他の否定要素
       unhappy, dishonest, nonpolitical,
       no, few, little, hardly, never

  19-1 強調疑問文(EMPH-Q-S)
       IS John a vegetarian?
       DOES John like onions?

 [強調疑問文:EMPH-Q-S](emphatic question)
[S拡充子{強調疑問}: EMPH-Q] (S EPD {Emphatic Question})
  19-2 樹形図
  19-3 EMPH-Q の操作と類例
 [Q倒置](Q Inversion)
  19-4 普通疑問文(Q-S)
       Is John a vegetarian?
       Does John like onions?

 [普通疑問文: Q-S](simple question)
[S拡充子{普通疑問}:Q](S EPD {Simple Question})
  19-5 Qの操作と類例
  19-6 EMPH-Q/Qの作用域:全文疑問と語句疑問
       Did John vote for SUSAN (not DEBBIE)?
       Did John vote FOR (not AGAINST) Susan?

  19-7 否定疑問文(NEG-Q-S)
       Isn't John a vegetarian?
       Doesn't John like onions?

 [否定疑問文:NEG-Q-S](negative question)
  19-8 略式疑問文(INF-Q-S)
       John is a vegetarian?
       John likes onions?

 [略式疑問文:INF-Q-S](informal question)
[S拡充子{略式疑問}:INF-Q](S EPD {Informal Question})
 LESSON 20 短文
  20-1 ショート・アンサー
       Yes, he is a vegetarian. - Yes, he is φ.
       - Yes φ.
       *Yes, ... ISN'T/DOESN'T .
       *No, ... IS/DOES .

  20-2 条件付きショート・アンサー
       In a sense, yes.
       Technically, no.

 [条件つきショート・アンサー](conditional short answer)
  20-3 おうむ返し疑問文(ECHO-Q-S)
       A:John likes onions. B:DOES he?
       A:I like onions. B:DO you?

 [おうむ返し疑問文: ECHO-Q-S](echo question)
  20-4 尾ひれ(tag):非標準型と標準型
       John is a vegetarian, is he?
       John is a vegetarian, isn't he?

[非標準型尾ひれ](substandard tag)
[標準型尾ひれ](standard tag)
  20-5 略式尾ひれ(informal tag)
       John is a vegetarian, right?
       John isn't a vegetarian, right?

 [略式尾ひれ](informal tag)
  20-6 その他の尾ひれ
       They forgot to attend the lecture, don't
       you think?

  21-1 WHおうむ返し疑問文(WH-ECHO-Q-S)
       what + [John lost his dadada]
            John lost his what?

 [WHおうむ返し疑問文: WH-ECHO-Q-S](wh-echo-question)
[S拡充子{WHおうむ返し疑問}: WH-ECHO-Q](S EPD {Wh-Echo-Question})
  21-2 樹形図
  21-3 WH-ECHO-Q の操作
  21-4 略式WH疑問文(INF-WH-Q-S)(i)おうむ返し
       Mary hit whom?
       His plane was hijacked where?
       INF-WH-Q の操作

 [略式WH疑問文: INF-WH-Q-S] (informal wh-question)
[S拡充子{略式WH疑問}:INF-WH-Q](S EPD {Informal Wh-Question})
  21-5 略式WH疑問文(INF-WH-Q-S)(ii)最初から聞く
  21-6 WH疑問文(WH-Q-S)
       What did you lose?
       Where did you lose it?

[S拡充子{WH疑問}:WH-Q](S EPD {Wh-Question})
  21-7 文頭の who/what
       What happened?
       Who hit upon the idea first?

  21-8 WH感嘆文(WH-EXCL-S)
       What a cold day it was!
       How happy she is!

 [S拡充子{WH感嘆}:WH-EXCL](S EPD {Wh-Exclamation})
 第V章 動詞の転換
 LESSON 22 N−A転換子(V-N CVT):to/-ing など
  22-1 V−N転換子(V-N CVT):to
       To watch wild birds is my hobby.
 [V−N転換子(V-N CVT):to]
  22-2 ダミ−の it
       It is not always good to talk frankly.
 [ダミ−の it](dummy it)
  22-3 to + 動詞(V)の複合拡充形 ⇒ Nの場合:to have Ven, not to V

       The poor hate to be pitied by the rich.
  22-4 V−N転換子(V-N CVT):how to, where to など
       how to make a fire/where to go/...
 [V−N転換子(V-N CVT):how to]
  22-5 for+N ⇒ A
       It is very hard for a high school dropout to get a job.
  22-6 VZ +φ + N + toV
       I want φ you to come back soon.
  22-7 VZ +φ + N + φ + V
       I made φ him φ go.
  22-8 V−N転換子(V-N CVT):-ing
       I like watching wild birds.
 [V−N転換子(V-N CVT):-ing]
  22-9 紛らわしい2つのVing形(i)
       My hobby is collecting stamps.
       My brother is collecting stamps.

  22-10 -ing + 動詞(V)の複合拡充形 ⇒ Nの場合:being Ven, having Ven

       I knew for the first time the happiness of loving and being

  22-11 N+ -'s ⇒ A
       I'm proud of my son's attending a good school.
       I'm proud of φ attending a good school.

  22-12 N's Ving vs N Ving
       I don't mind John's/John smoking in my room.
  22-13 名詞(N)的用法の to V と Ving
 LESSON 23 V−AD転換子(V-AD CVT):to/-ing など
  23-1 V−AD転換子(V-AD CVT): to
       We went to 7-eleven to buy some ice cream.
 [V−AD転換子(V-AD CVT): to]
  23-2 V−AD転換子(V-AD CVT) to の意味
  23-3 to + 動詞(V)の複合拡充形 ⇒ ADの場合:to have Ven, not to V

       What did you do to be hated like that?
  23-4 for+ N ⇒ AD
       She opened the door for him to get out.
  23-5 V−AD転換子(V-AD CVT): -ing
       Seeing him, she ran away.
 [V−AD転換子(V-AD CVT): -ing]
  23-6 V−AD転換子(V-AD CVT) -ing の意味
  23-7 -ing + 動詞(V)の複合拡充形 ⇒ AD の場合:being Ven, having Ven

       (Being) Written in simple English, the book is easy to read.
  23-8 (with)N+Ving
       (With) Mary being away at school, I don't have to stay at

  23-9 名詞(N)の there
       There being a fork in the road, we lost the way.
  23-10 when/while Ving
       When hunting, a snake is very careful.
  23-11 副詞(AD)的用法の to V と Ving
 LESSON 24 V−A転換子(V-A CVT):to/-ing
  24-1 V−A転換子(V-A CVT):to
       John has a large family to look after him.
       John has a large family to look after φ.

 [V−A転換子(V-A CVT):to]
  24-2 to + 動詞(V)の複合拡充形 ⇒ Aの場合:to be Ving など
       The patient seems to be getting better.
  24-3 for+N ⇒ AD
       a lot of books for children to read φ
  24-4 V−A転換子(V-A CVT):-ing
       the baby sleeping in the cradle
 [V−A転換子(V-A CVT):-ing]
  24-5 紛らわしい2つのVing形(ii)
       sleeping BABY vs SLEEPING car
  24-6 A用法の(being) Ven
       three days left
  24-7 形容詞(A)的用法の to V と Ving
 第VI章 文の転換
 LESSON 25 S−N転換子(S-N CVT]): that/if など
  25-1 S−N転換子(S-N CVT): that
       I know that Bill told a lie.
 [S−N転換子(S-N CVT):that]
[名詞(N)節](noun clause)
  25-2 that節のNっぽさ
  25-3 thatの省略:構造の再分析
       John told a lie, I think.
  25-4 S−N転換子(S-N CVT):if/whether
       John wonders if/whether Mary told a lie.
 [S−N転換子(S-N CVT):if/whether]
  25-5 that節 vs if節
       John wonders that/if Mary told a lie.
  25-6 S−N転換子(S-N CVT):whereなど
       I don't know where John lives.
 [S−N転換子(S-N CVT):where]
  25-7 EPD?  CVT?
       I don't know where John lives.
       Where does John live?

  25-8 {WH感嘆}のS−N転換子(S-N CVT):how/what
       ... how fast she can run.
       ... what a good time I had at your party.

  25-9 ダミーの it...that/whether/WH節
       It is a miracle that he is safe.
  25-10 まとめ:S−N転換子(S-N CVT)
       I wonder that the girl loves a frog.
       I wonder if the girl loves a frog.
       I wonder why the girl loves a frog φ.

 LESSON 26 S−AD転換子(S-AD CVT): becauseなど
  26-1 S−AD転換子(S-AD CVT): because
       Because I overslept, I missed the train.
 [S−AD転換子(S-AD CVT):because]
[副詞(AD)節](adverbial clause)
  26-2 その他のS−AD転換子(S-AD CVT) : after, when など
       after, as, before, if, since, though, when, while, until,
       once など

  26-3 S−AD転換子(S-AD CVT) と N−AD転換子(N-AD CVT)
       since she retired vs since her retirement
  26-4 S−AD転換子(S-AD CVT) のif とS−N転換子(S-N CVT)
    の if

       If he comes back, I'll tell you.
       I wonder if he will come back.

  26-5 かたまり転換子と飛び石転換子
       the moment,   so ... that
 [かたまり転換子](chunk convertor)
[飛び石転換子](stepping-stone convertor)
  26-6 S拡充子{非現実}(subjunctive): SUBJ
       If I were you, I wouldn't do that.
 [条件のif](conditional if)
[非現実のif](subjunctive if)
  26-7 過去の{非現実}
       If we had had a good map, we could have
       found a shortcut easily.

  26-8 名詞(N)節、形容詞(A)節の中の SUBJ
       I wish I were a bird.
       She looked as if she had seen a ghost or something.

  26-9 語や句を作用域とする SUBJ
       Without your help, I could not do it.
       Without your help, I could not have done it.

  26-10 倒置による if の省略
       Were it not for the sun, nothing could live.
 LESSON 27 S−A転換子(CVT[S-A]): that/which/who(m) など
  27-1 S−A転換子(S-A CVT): that
       The fish that φ was caught by John was big.
 [S−A転換子(S-A CVT):that]
  27-2 空所(φ)
       The fish that John caught φ was big.
 [形容詞(A)節](adjective clause)
  27-3 その他のS−A転換子(S-A CVT): which, who, など
  27-4 制限的用法(restrictive) vs 非制限的用法(non-restrictive)
       The fish which John caught was big.
       The fish, which John caught, was big.

  27-5 S−A転換子(S-A CVT)の省略
       The pizza φ the boy delivered was cold.
  27-6 the thing which → what
       I gave him what/the thing which I bought in Mexico.
 [言い換え表現](variant form)
  27-7 in which/that...to → when/where
       There are occasions when/in which we feel like
       cutting classes.

  27-8 総まとめ:2種類の拡充と2種類の転換

 巻 末